Saturday, July 15, 2006

Thoughts on week 4

This was generally a tough week, with an unprecedented number of teams (five) scoring less than 25 points. And four of those teams scored less than 20 points. By contrast, only two teams over the first three weeks scored less than 25 points (and one of those teams was a zero in week 1 because no team was posted). Other than the non-post team in week 1, no one has scored less than 20 points before.

The cruelty of head-to-head has become more evident as the weeks wear on, best exhibited by Mrs. King's 12th place standing (in a points-based league she would be in 5th), although there is also a flip-side, as best evidenced by Spellbound's 5th place standing (in a points-based league she would be in 12th). When comparing head-to-head scores with cumulative points, only four teams (Carol Seaver, Red Fraggle, Moogie and A.J. Simon) would be in the same place regardless of which scoring system we used. (Note: A.J. Simon would actually be tied for 14th place, but in a tie-breaker situation would be pushed to 15th because he lost his head-to-head matchup with Ferris Bueller, the team with which he is tied.) Colt Seavers, Ponch, Laura Holt, Spellbound, Ferris Bueller and Snarf are current beneficiaries of the head-to-head system, while Rudy Huxtable, Isaac, Your Bartender, Mrs. King, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Blair Warner and Willis Jackson would be better in a cumulative points league.

Not that it matters, as our league is head-to-head: I just thought the comparison was interesting. It will also be interesting to see, as the season wears on, whether the discrepencies even out and most teams end up closer to where they would have been in a point-based league. Also of note is that we are now left with only one undefeated team as well as only one team without a win.

Other than Keira Knightley and Kate Bosworth, there were no huge point getters this week: Johnny Depp came in with 11, and then Ashley Judd was fourth with seven points. The A-list players were largely silent, which probably accounts a bit for the lower-than-usual scores of most teams.


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