Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Week 1 cover and interim standings; Week 2 accessory

This week's cover:
Based only on the cover, (13 points for Britney, because of photo on cover AND an inset; 10 points each for K-Fed and Sean Preston; 3 points each for Aniston and Kidman), here are our current standings:
Rudy Huxtable: 26 points (Britney, K-Fed, Kidman)
Carol Seaver: 26 points (Britney, K-Fed, Kidman)
Colt Seavers: 23 points (Britney, K-Fed)
Spellbound: 23 points (Britney, K-Fed)
Willis Jackson: 20 points (K-Fed, Sean Preston)
Laura Ingalls Wilder: 16 points (K-Fed, Aniston, Kidman)
Isaac, Your Bartender: 16 points (Britney, Kidman)
Red Fraggle: 16 points (K-Fed, Aniston, Kidman)
Ponch: 13 points (K-Fed, Aniston)
Mrs. King: 13 points (K-Fed, Aniston)
A.J. Simon: 10 points (K-Fed)
Ferris Bueller: 10 points (K-Fed)
Laura Holt: 10 points (K-Fed)
Moogie: 10 points (K-Fed)
Blair Warner: 10 points (K-Fed)
Snarf: 0 points

Accessory of the Week
Next week (week 2) the accessory of the week will be:
Pigtails. Not ponytails, but pigtails. As in Red Fraggle's best hairstyle.

If anyone wants to volunteer to take on week 2's scoring (you can then pick week 3's accessory), just post or let me know.


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